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Stay up to date on all things ESTROTECT with our informative articles on animal health and management. From industry news and trends to tips and best practices, we have you covered.


Best of both worlds: Estrus detection aids and timed cattle breeding

Breeding cattle via artificial insemination (AI) by pairing visual estrus detection aids and timed AI protocols is a win-win.  Using artificial insemination (AI) with a cattle herd doesn’t require as much time or labor as you might think. With the advent of timed breeding protocols and quality visual estrus detection aids, AI has become more…

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RESEARCH ABSTRACT – Keys to maximizing reproductive efficiency in a beef herd (University of Tennessee, 2016)

Key Points: – Timed AI and ET are effective methods to establish pregnancy in beef cows – In order to increase the chance of pregnancy establishment and maintenance, cows must effectively respond to stimulus to synchronize a follicular wave; we must be able to control luteal lifespan, induce ovulation and deposit semen in the appropriate…

Better Heifer Breeding (; April 2016)

Cows and heifers call for different synchronization protocols. Click here to read more.

Breeding – The Art of Heat Detection (Veterinary Advantage; April 2016)

Timely heat detection, breeding can pay dividends for producers. Before cattle producers can load out a healthy calf on sale day, they have to start with the simple task of accurately detecting heat in cows and heifers. Click here to read more.

“Breeding lactating dairy cows during hot weather” Dairy Herd Management (June 2015)

Getting lactating dairy cows bred to maintain a reasonable calving interval can be challenging any time of year but especially during the hot summer months. Heat stress can occur in lactating cows at temperatures of 80°F or higher. Click here to read on.

“Cyclicity in dairy cows: Postpartum blues” Dairy Herd Management (June 2015)

Understanding how ovarian follicles develop and the interplay between hormones and other health factors in a non-pregnant dairy cow can be both fascinating and frustrating. Read the full article.

#GenexChutesideService Blog Featuring ESTROTECT™ Heat Detectors (May 31, 2015)

Have you seen the latest post on the CRI “Have You Herd?” blog? There are some nice photos of ESTROTECT™ Heat Detectors in use across the U.S. Click here to have a look.

“Better Transition Cow Management Enhances Reproduction” Progressive Dairyman (April 2015)

Paying attention to transition cow management pays obvious dividends through improved health, increased production and lower culling rates. Read the full article.

“Skill, Not Luck, Gets Cows Bred” Hoard’s Dairyman (October 2014)

Experience has been called the hardest teacher; first you get the test, and then you get the lesson. Read the full post article.  

“Is Getting Cows Pregnant Getting Harder?” Hoard’s Dairyman Blog (September 2014)

Using the right heat detection technology combined with consistent management practices will go a long way in improving your conception rates. Read the full post article.

“Effect of Delayed Breeding During the Summer on Profitability of Dairy Cows” DCRC (August 2014)

Manipulating voluntary waiting period (VWP) length has a number of pros and cons. Researchers at the University of Florida set out to determine the effect of extending the VWP during the summer on profitability on a Florida dairy farm. Results were published in the July issue of Journal of Dairy Science. Read More

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